Sunday, February 28, 2010

Photo Shoot with Stephanie Hines

Today was a great day. It was photo shoot day! I was involved in a creative collaboration with Stephanie Hines of Shines Photography. She is a very talented photographer in the Nashville area. She shoots everything from babies to weddings to prom to musicians to editorial. She is young and has a fresh eye for style and knows the latest trends. You can see her work at We had three amazing beautiful models for the day: Julie Canaday, Meghan Connors, and Carolina Gruber. We started all the girls with strapless looks and got bare shoulder beauty shots. All the girls have different looks and have their own styles. We put Meghan in a sweater and scarf with a HOT pink lip stick. We put Julie in a floppy new yorker style hat and a black leather jacket. It was very chic and a city girl look. We put a jacket with a fur hood on Carolina and got a tight close shot with the fur around her face. Then we put Carolina in her strapless shirt again and wet down her hair and face. It was very interesting to spray her in the face! I felt so bad but it turned out really amazing! The last look was Julie with a face painting technique I did with different color eyeliner pencils. With lots of experimenting with posing we found the perfect side shot and incorporated our fan. It is so wonderful to use our creative senses and get out of our comfort zones and come up with something special and unique. The salon is wonderful but sometimes it is good to get inspired and do something out of the ordinary. Results are still to come. The pictres are in the editing stages but here is a sneak preview of the video!

1 comment:

  1. Kayla... one more time.. What a great Artist you are!... your professionalism, sweetness and good energy make you a very unique Stylist and make people feel really comfortable around you... It's really cool the fact that you are always updated on what's new and what are best products and beauty techniques .... I had a great time on that photo shoot! Wish you the BEST on your career!
    Carolina Gruber.
